wendigo native american legend

Wendigo - Monstropedia How to Kill a Wendigo The Wendigo - An American Cannibal |.

WENDIGO. The Wendigo is a very real creature of the northern woods and prairies of Northern Minnesota and North
Wendigo - Monstropedia
Godchecker's A-Z of Gods from Native.
wendigo native american legend
wendigo native american legend
Supernatural.tv: Inside the legend:.
The Wendigo (also Windigo, Wiindigoo, and numerous other variants, since the word appears in many different Native American languages and dialects) is a spirit in
Comprehensive guide to Native American gods, spirits and monsters, featuring many weird and wonderful legends. Our Native American Mythology: the Gods of North
The Wendigo - The wendigo Spirit & Wendigo Psychosis are all tied to Cannibalism, Windigo is also a spelling of this monster & is of the same creature.
Wendigo Myth Supernatural.tv: Inside the legend:. .